Difference between subdomains, addon domains and parked domains

  Difference between subdomains, addon domains and parked domains:


          For example, website.com is your main domain then you can add your sub domian as domain.website.com. The content in your main domain and sub domain may differ.

   Addon Domain:

         Addon domain will be completely different from your main domain. There will be no evidence that it is an addon domain and you can manage different content other than your main domain.
        For example, you have website.com as your main site then you can also have domain.com under the same control panel.

   Parked Domain:

         Parked domains are the substitutes for your main domain. For example, if you have website.com as your main domain and domain.com as parked domain then if you browse for domain.com then it will load the content from website.com. 

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